Baby Games Calendar

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Activities at Week 64 09/29/25 – 10/06/25

Activities at Week 64

  • Follow the Leader: Let baby run the show! Try this anywhere: backyard, park, or playground. As you follow, talk to baby about what is going on by asking questions: “Wow, you’re running fast! Where are we going?” Helps baby build language skills by listening to you talk.
  • Magic Chef: Set out pots, pans, bowls, spoons, and cups then suggest baby try mixing and serving an imaginary meal. If weather is okay, cook outside. Get a large bucket with water to pour and scoop. Add lemon juice or food coloring to keep it interesting. Helps baby learn to use imagination.

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It’s Important to Remember:

The activities listed over these next few months are designed to help your baby as they move towards the following eighteen month milestones.

If you are concerned that your baby isn’t meeting these milestones by eighteen months, trust your instincts and talk to your healthcare professional.


13-18 Month Motor Milestones

Motor Milestones

  • Walks independently
  • Squats to pick up a toy
  • Stacks two objects

13-18 Month Sensory Milestones

Sensory Milestones

  • Helps with getting dressed/undressed
  • Has a regular sleep schedule
  • Eats an increasing variety of foods

13-18 Month Communication Milestones

Communication Milestones

By 15 months:
  • May use 5-10 words
  • Combines sounds and gestures
  • Imitates simple words and actions
  • Consistently follows simple directions
  • Shows interest in pictures
  • Can identify 1-2 body parts when named
  • Understands 50 words
By 18 months:
  • Responds to questions
  • Repeats words overheard in conversation
  • Continues to produce speech-like babbling
  • Points at familiar objects and people in pictures
  • Understands “in” and “on”
  • Responds to yes/no questions with head shake/nod

13-18 Month Feeding Milestones

Feeding Milestones

  • Increases variety of coarsely chopped table foods
  • Holds and drinks from a cup

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