Baby Games Calendar

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Activities at Week 91 05/31/26 – 06/07/26

Activities at Week 91

  • Playing with Play Dough and Clay: Giving your toddler play dough or clay to play with is a fun (and easy cleanup!) activity. Pushing the play dough or clay into different sized containers and then taking it out can also be fun. Helps baby’s fine motor skills and sense of touch.
  • Bubble Wrap: Give your toddler bubble wrap and let them pop all the bubbles. Have them try popping them with only their index finger and thumb. Helps baby develop fine motor, auditory, and visual skills.

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It’s Important to Remember:

The activities listed over these next few months are designed to help your baby as they move towards the following twenty-four month milestones.

If you are concerned that your baby isn’t meeting these milestones by twenty-four months, trust your instincts and talk to your healthcare professional.


19-24 Month Communication Milestones

Communication Milestones

By 21 Months:
  • Uses at least 50 words
  • Consistently imitates new words
  • Names objects and pictures
  • Understands simple pronouns (me, you, my)
  • Identifies 3-5 body parts when named
  • Understands new words quickly
By 24 Months:
  • Begins to use 2 word phrases
  • Uses simple pronouns (me, you, my)
  • Understands action words
  • Uses gestures and words during pretend play
  • Follows 2-step related directions e.g. “Pick up your coat and bring it to me”
  • Enjoys listening to stories
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