Tummy Time is a crucial exercise for baby’s motor and sensory development. One tip to make it even better? Incorporate reading while doing Tummy Time!

  • Incorporate reading during Tummy Time to boost motor, sensory, and vision development.
  • Establish morning and evening routines before school starts to build executive function and reduce anxiety, and set up playdates with classmates to foster friendships.
  • Celebrate the first day with special activities, create a school year calendar to highlight important events, and show how fun learning can be through engaging activities.

According to a recent Canadian study, babies who get Tummy Time, reading and sleep in the first 6 months may reach their motor milestones sooner. Additionally, reading and Tummy Time together may help with vision development, as baby learns to focus and track.

Here are some ways to make reading a part of Tummy Time!

Reading during tummy time can make it fun for baby

Read out loud

Baby loves the sound of your voice while you read and the colors and shapes in books! Get down at baby’s level and read to them. If you can, show them the book as you read.

Tip: Reading during Tummy Time doesn’t have to be just words! It can also be describing pictures without following the written words.

Use facial expressions and funny voices

Keep baby engaged and interested by using different voices! Studies show using a high-pitched, sing-song voice can help baby’s language development at as early as 2 months old.

Use board books

If baby’s core muscles are strong enough during Tummy Time to lift their head and arms, they may want to grab on to the book! Use a thick board books, as these are easy for baby to grab. Read with baby or just have them flip through the pages!

Some of the benefits of board books are:

  • They help build listening and visual skills
  • Baby gets to practice turning pages
  • Baby will use more than their hands to explore! Baby may chew on the book and it won’t be damaged

Look for high contrast books

Because baby’s vision is still developing, they will benefit most from high-contrast books with large shapes and letters. They’ll be able to focus better on what’s on the page, even if they don’t know exactly what you’re saying!

Once baby is done with Tummy Time, there are still so many benefits to reading! See these ideas to read with baby at every age.

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