Having Tummy Time Trouble? This Therapist Has Some Tips

Tips for Shoulder Carry:
Lean baby forward on a slant so weight is on tummy.
Hold under baby’s bottom.
Make sure baby’s bottom isn’t tucked under.
Tips for Leaning Back:
Rock baby side to side & keep them moving
Take baby out of the position before they get too mad
Talk in a positive and upbeat voice (repeating is okay!)
Tips for Switching Sides:
Move baby from one arm to the other
Rock baby side to side and keep them moving
Talk in a positive and upbeat voice (repeating is okay!)
Ease into the move slowly so baby can adjust to the position
Tips for Moving to Football Hold:
Ease into the move slowly so baby can adjust to the position
Place your arm between baby’s legs for stability
Rock baby side to side and keep them moving
Take baby out of the position before they get too mad
Tips for Baby on Ground:
Rock baby’s hips slowly; it’s their choice to move onto tummy
Take baby out of the position before they get mad
Don’t let baby feel “stuck” in a position
Tips for Any Tummy Time Position:
Moving Baby:
Ease into new positions slowly
Rock baby side to side
Keep baby moving so they don’t feel “stuck”
Holding Baby:
Move baby from one arm to the other so they can do Tummy Time on each side
Place your arm between baby’s legs for stability
Talking to Baby:
Talk in a positive and upbeat voice
Repeating yourself is okay!