Reading is a great activity for mom and dad to do with their children regardless of their age. It can help boost language development while inspiring a love of books and reading early in life. Here Are Eleven Tips to Make Story Time Fun For You and Your Little One:

You Don’t Have to Follow the Story Exactly

If your child is too young to know the words, you can talk about the pictures, point out interesting shapes, or even make up your own ending. Just talking to your baby helps to develop their language skills.

Cuddle Your Child Close

toddler-and-mother-reading-a-storyMake them feel safe and comfortable while you read together. Story time can be a great way to calm your child down and get them ready for bed.

Be a Little Silly

Play around with different noises or use different voices while telling a story. This can help keep your child’s attention and make story time more fun for everyone.

Let Your Child Pick the Story

Even if you’re reading together, this gives your child a sense of independence. Don’t forget to take turns with siblings! Having an interest in the book helps to build lifelong readers.

Every Little Bit Helps

Reading with your child is great for their development, whether it is for 10 minutes or an hour at a time.

Follow Along With the Words

Help your child follow along with the story by pointing to each word you read from left to right.

Let Your Child Be the Storyteller

Give them a shot at telling the story their own way, or take turns acting as different characters.

Bring the Books to Life

Incorporate what you read into your day. If the characters are making cookies, try out a new cookie recipe together. Or if the kids in the story made paper airplanes, you can make them at home and see how far they fly!

Get Cozy

Gather pillows and blankets and read a story on the floor, maybe even in a fort! As kids get older help them set up a “reading nook” in their room to continue encourage reading.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to see if your child understands what you read to them. Even if your child is too young to respond, questions are a good way to encourage two-way communication.

Don’t Forget Audiobooks!

Audiobooks can also help build your child’s vocabulary. They are great to listen to in the car instead of car rides turning into screen time.