7 to 9 Month Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months one. Each milestone has a clip so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. Here are the feeding milestones your baby should be reaching by 9 months old:
In a highchair, holds and drinks from a bottle
Begins to eat thicker pureed and mashed table foods
Enjoys chew toys that can massage sore and swollen gums during teething
Stays full longer after eating
Starts to look and reach for objects, such as, food that is nearby
Shows strong reaction to new smells and tastes
As always, all of our milestones are validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists. Pathways.org milestones video series helps parents and caregivers track their baby’s development and detect possible delays.