Important Feeding Milestones: Baby's First Year Part 1


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How do baby’s feeding skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s feeding milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatrics findings!

0-3 Months:

  • Baby latches onto nipple or bottle for feeding and their tongue moves forward and back to suck

  • They will drink 2-6 ounces of liquid per feeding, 6 times day (the quality and frequency might vary in breastfed babies)

4-6 Months:

  • Baby will show interest in food

  • They will also open their mouth as a spoon approaches

7-9 Months:

  • Baby can hold and drink from a bottle

  • They will start to look and reach for food that is nearby

  • They’ll also show strong reactions to new smells and foods

10-12 Months:

  • Baby can finger feed themselves

  • They will eat an increasing variety of foods

  • They might be ready to start self-feeding with utensils!

What is the Best Way to Track Baby Milestones on My Phone? Our App!

Use the FREE Baby Milestones app to track your little one's progress! Download the app and enter Baby's birthdate to see all the milestones and track their progress. You can watch videos of each milestone to be sure Baby has met it!