Baby Bootcamp: How Tummy Time Helps

You know Tummy Time can help, but did you know it can make a difference in only a few days? Watch our Baby Bootcamp video to see before and after footage of the incredible difference Tummy Time activities can have on a child in just 5 days!
The video follows a mother who noticed her 6 month old was not rolling over, and was missing developmental milestones she found on After seeing a physical therapist, she decided to put her baby through Baby Bootcamp.
Baby Bootcamp is a weekend of doing fun activities, like Tummy Time on an exercise ball, and using engaging toys, like baby mirrors during Tummy Time, to get baby to practice rolling over, pushing up, and more.
Learn about the differences she noticed in her child and what she did to address her concerns. With help from resources and Tummy Time activities, she was able to strengthen her daughter’s motor development and skills, including major advancements during Tummy Time and play. Using the materials that has to offer, this mom was able to get her daughter back on track for developmental success.