Important Motor Milestones: Baby's First Year Part 1

How do baby’s motor skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s motor milestones from 0-12 months!
0-3 Months
While lying on tummy, baby can push up on their arms and lift and hold their head up
Baby will also be able to bring hands to mouth and move fists from closed to open
4-6 Months
Baby uses their hands to support themselves while sitting
They will also start to roll from back to tummy and tummy to back
7-9 Months
Baby can sit without support and reach for toys without falling
They will begin to move with alternate leg and arm movements, also known as crawling!
10-12 Months
Baby will stand alone and take several independent steps
They can also maintain balance in sitting when throwing objects
Baby’s fine motor skills will continue to develop, as they use their thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
Check out for the complete list of milestones per age!