Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Vision Development

You spend a lot of time looking at baby—but how well can baby see you? Baby vision development starts in the first 7 months of life. Watch the video to learn more!
Read more about baby’s vision and all of their senses on our sensory integration page. Don’t forget to check out our 7-9 month overview page for more info on your baby’s growth and development.
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Ever wonder what your baby is seeing?
At 0-3 months old baby can only focus on objects 8-15 inches away. They love faces, big polka dots, and objects that are black, white, and red.
Around 1 month they can begin holding eye contact. To hold eye contact, baby needs to be alert and calm to hold eye contact.
At 3 months, baby will focus on faces and close objects and follow moving objects with their eyes.
Around 4 months, baby is able to see a full range of colors.
Around 7 months, baby’s vision is fully mature. You might notice they start showing more interest in toys with more complex patterns and shapes.
Baby will be looking at you a ton, so be sure to look at them, give them a lot attention, and keep making eye contact. For more info on the importance of eye contact and baby vision development, check out our blog post.