Importance of Eye Contact


Baby’s vision development is very important and even affects their other senses.

Throughout the first year, baby will be looking at you a ton, so be sure to look at them, give them a lot of attention, and make eye contact! Find out what you can expect in the coming months.

Eye Contact in the first few months…

Baby’s eyes can only focus on objects that are about 8 to 15 inches away – just far enough to see the face of the person holding them – and they typically begin holding eye contact around 1 month old.In the beginning, baby needs to be calm and alert to hold eye contact, so don’t try to check this milestone while your little one is hungry, distressed, or tired. It is normal for a baby’s eyes to wander or move randomly during the first couple months of life because they are learning how to use their eyes together.

Eye contact helps baby develop social skills

Vision at 3 Months Old

Baby will begin to focus on faces and close objects. Baby will also begin to follow moving objects with their eyes and may even reach out to swipe or touch the object as they develop their hand-eye coordination.1 By 4 months old baby will be able to see a full range of colors.

What Baby Sees at 7 Months Old

Baby’s vision will be fully mature. During this time, baby will be able to follow faster movements with their eyes. Baby may also show more interest in toys with complex patterns and shapes. As baby grows they will become more comfortable using their vision to explore their surroundings. Point out and name objects as your baby sees them to help baby make the connection between objects and their names.

Learn more about baby’s vision development:

If you have concerns about your child’s vision/eye sight talk to your child’s healthcare provider about scheduling an evaluation. There are many different types of eye doctors so make sure you are choosing the right one for your child. Vision is part of a baby’s development just like sensory, motor and communication skills, and it is important to keep track of these milestones during their first year.

What is the Best Way to Track Baby Milestones on My Phone? Our App!

Use the FREE Baby Milestones app to track your little one's progress! Download the app and enter Baby's birthdate to see all the milestones and track their progress. You can watch videos of each milestone to be sure Baby has met it!