Parents’ Guide to the Importance of Motor Skills

For children of all ages, motor skills are an important part of development. They help us explore independently and learn about the world around us.
Here are some ways to strengthen motor skills at any age:
Do Tummy Time
Play Baby Games
Explore these 80+ activities and crafts that will help with fine and gross motor strength
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We know motor skills are important. They help baby move and play. But motor development also impacts cognitive, speech, and sensory development. Cognition is developed as baby explores and learns about objects and the environment. Speech is developed as the muscles of the mouth, jaw, and tongue are strengthened. Oral motor skills also impact feeding since same muscles are used. Sensory motor skills develop as baby moves through the environment in different ways.
Motor skills also allow your child to feel confident and independent. Luckily, baby can build motor skills from their daily routine! From diaper changes to Tummy Time, baby is working on their motor skills. You can show baby how to move to encourage motor development as well!
Vision is directly related to baby’s movement. Using a colorful toy or a face engages baby’s vision to get them to move. Get baby to look at your face and move side to side so they turn their head or move a toy away from baby so they have to crawl to get it.
You can also help baby work on both fine and gross motor skills. Give baby a toy to look at so they pull to stand for gross motor skills. Hand baby a small toy that requires fine motor skills to grasp.
Whatever you focus on with baby, helping their motor skills is key!