
Milestones are scientifically supported behavioral or physical checkpoints seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. All of our developmental milestones are validated by American Academy of Pediatrics findings.


Abilities are additional skills your child should be developing. When reviewing abilities, look at your child’s overall behavior to gauge their progress.

It’s Important to Remember:

Be sure to adjust for prematurity.

If your child is missing milestones, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider.

Missing one or two abilities should not cause alarm, as every child develops differently. However, if they are missing multiple abilities, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider.

Use our checklists to track your baby’s development and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.

Learn about Early Detection & Early Intervention

Make Sure Your Baby Has Met Prev. Milestones



Key Milestones

  • Starts to jumps with both feet leaving the ground
  • When walking, able to pull toys behind them
  • Runs
  • Stands on tiptoes
  • Climbs on low furniture
  • Kicks large ball
  • Goes up and down stairs with support



Key Milestones

  • Flips switches on and off
  • Uses crayons, pens, or markers to make marks on paper
  • Sorts shapes and colors
  • Stacks 5 or more small blocks or toys on top of each other
  • Takes toys apart and puts them back together



Key Milestones

By 21 months:

  • Uses at least 50 words
  • Consistently imitates new words
  • Names objects and pictures
  • Understands simple pronouns (me, you, my)
  • Identifies 3-5 body parts when named
  • Understands new words quickly

By 24 months:

  • Begins to use 2 word phrases
  • Uses simple pronoun (me, you, my)
  • Understands action words
  • Uses gestures and words in pretend play
  • Follows 2-step related direction, e.g. “Pick up your coat and bring it to me”
  • Enjoys listening to stories

19 to 24 Month Old - Communication Milestones to Look For

The 19-24 month communication milestones video shows parents and caregivers examples of communication milestones children should reach by 2 years old.

See More Videos

Play and Social Skills


Key Abilities

  • Turns head in response to name being called
  • Is able to participate in small groups with other children
  • Is interested, aware, and able to maintain eye contact with others
  • Is able to play in social situations after a transition time
  • Points to objects of interest
  • Is able to locate objects you are pointing to
  • Explores varied environments, such as a new playground
  • Enjoys swinging on playground swings
  • Enjoys being swung and gently thrown in air
  • Enjoys playing with new toys in varied ways
  • Usually plays with toys without mouthing them
  • Enjoys playing with a variety of toys and textures
  • Enjoys playing with musical toys
  • Enjoys sitting to look at or listen to a book



Key Abilities

  • Is frequently moving in and out of various positions (e.g. crawling, climbing, cruising, and walking) to explore and get desirable objects
  • Coordinates movements needed to play and explore
  • Usually walks with heel toe pattern and not primarily on toes
  • Enjoys and seeks out various ways to move and play
  • Has adequate endurance and strength to play with peers
  • Can maintain balance to catch ball or when gently bumped by peers
  • Is able to throw and attempt to catch ball without losing balance
  • Uses hands to help move from one position to another
  • Uses both hands equally to play with and explore toys

Daily Activities


Key Abilities

  • Enjoys bath time
  • Is able to self calm in car rides when not tired or hungry
  • Usually tolerates diaper changes without crying
  • Is not fearful of tipping head back when moving from sitting to back
  • Is able to use fingertips to pick up small objects, such as small pieces of food
  • Is able to eat an increasing variety of food
  • Can usually participate in dressing without becoming upset
  • Has an established sleep schedule
  • Is usually able to self calm to fall asleep
  • Is able to tolerate and wear new and varied textures of clothing



Key Abilities

  • Is generally happy when not hungry or tired
  • Is able to calm with experiences, such as rocking, touch, and soothing sounds
  • Has grown accustomed to everyday sounds and is usually not startled by them
  • Has an established and reliable sleeping schedule
  • Does not require an excessive routine to calm
  • Is able to enjoy a wide variety of touch, noise, and smells
  • Cries and notices when hurt
  • Is able to self-soothe when upset
  • Enjoys various textures, such as grass or sand after multiple exposures
  • Is able to transition to new environment or activity
  • Is able to be away from parents when with supportive and familiar people
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