What should I watch for?
Executive Function skills are learned skills. With practice and a little help, all children can improve their executive functions. Practice makes better!
Potential signs and risk factors of executive function issues in children include:
General delays in motor, cognitive, or communication development
Significant differences in responses to sensory experiences, e.g. too sensitive or not sensitive enough
Becomes easily frustrated and struggles to manage emotions or is not easily calmed as a baby
Has rigid routines and dislikes change
Struggles to make adjustments after getting used to doing something a certain way
Has difficulty completing simple, age-appropriate tasks
Difficulty with age-appropriate social interactions
Struggles to participate in age-appropriate play
Needs more help with tasks than other children his or her age
Struggles with time management
Difficulty starting task on their own
Difficulty using and applying information from memory
Forgets rules easily
Difficulty planning and completing projects
Appears impulsive
Poor emotional control
Struggles with open ended tasks