Make Your Own Putty for Fine Motor Practice


Playing with putty is a great way for children to develop hand and finger strength along with fine motor skills.

making DIY putty can be a fun activity for parents and kids at home

There are tons of brands and varieties of “Silly Putty” and “Play-Doh” you can buy in stores, but making your own DIY putty from ingredients in your kitchen is much more fun and a great sensory experience for your child.

The smooth and sticky texture of the putty, as well as its ability to absorb heat makes it a great toy for sensory development. Save yourself a trip to the store and added expense by making it at home with your child.

Try out our DIY putty recipe! Another bonus of making your own putty is the ability to control ingredients. While we don’t recommend eating it, this recipe is entirely non-toxic and edible.

DIY Putty Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of flour

  • ¼ cup of salt

  • ½ cup of water

  • Food coloring – a few drops

Directions for Making Your Own Putty:

1. Combine the flour and salt in a mixing bowl.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl for DIY putty

2. Stir a few drops of food coloring into the water and stir until it’s well mixed. Make the water a bit darker than you want the putty to turn out because the whiteness of the flour dilutes the color.

Add food dye to give putty the color you want

3. Slowly drizzle the dyed water into the flour mixture while stirring.

slowly add dyed water_400px

4. Knead the ingredients with your hands until it forms a nice, smooth putty that feels like “Silly Putty”.


5. Let your child play with beads and other plastic pieces by pressing them into the putty. Make sure to store the putty in an airtight bag or container. It typically keeps fresh and usable for a couple weeks.

Knead and roll into a ball of dough until it is the right consistency

If you’re looking for something to have your kids do with putty, try this fun exercise routine for hands and fingers!

These exercises are appropriate for anyone old enough to play with putty, approximately 4 years and older.

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