How to Make Ice Cream at Home
Is anything better than ice cream on a warm summer day? We don’t think so.. And good news, it’s actually pretty easy to make your own ice cream. Try this recipe out and help your kids learn too!
Follow this simple recipe to make homemade ice cream in a bag!
This activity is as tasty as it is fun!
Ice Cream Ingredients:
1 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons sugar
4 cups ice
¼ cup salt
1 quart zip bag
1 gallon zip bag
Directions for Making Ice Cream:
Fill the one gallon bag with ice and salt.
Fill the 1 quart zip bag with milk, vanilla extract, and sugar. Seal the bag and then tape it shut to make sure it won’t open.
Place the 1 quart zip bag into the gallon zip bag.
Make sure both bags are tightly zipped and shake continuously for 10 minutes.
Open the gallon bag and remove smaller bag.
Rinse small bag to remove any salt sticking to it.
Open small bag.
Enjoy eating your ice cream.
This Activity Lets Kids Work on a Variety of Skills! They Can Practice:
Gives them the chance to practice math skills when adding ingredients.
Following directions when they mix the ingredients together.
Communication skills by retelling you how they made the ice cream. Make sure they tell you the steps in the right order!
Answering wh- questions, e.g. what did we add to the ice?, where do we put the sugar?
Answering predicting questions. e.g. do you think it will be a liquid or solid after shaking?
This is an activity that’s not only fun and educational to do with your child, but you get ice cream at the end of it! So what are you waiting for? You’re only 5 ingredients away from tasty goodness!