What’s Happening at 19-24 Months?

Self-Soothing is an Important Toddler Social-Emotional Tool

This lifelong skill can help with managing temper tantrums and other strong emotions.

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How Can You Get Your Picker Eater to…Eat?

A toddler’s food preferences can be very unpredictable and many go through a picky eating phase. Here are some ways to help.

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Introducing Baby to Screen Time

After 18 months of age, your toddler can begin interacting with screens. So how can you best use screen time to help your child learn and play?

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It’s Important to Remember:

Use our checklists to track your baby’s behavior and discuss any concerns with your healthcare professional.

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"I LOVE that all the information is presented in a way that is clear, organized, and non-assuming. As a pediatric occupational therapist, it is one of my top go-to's for parents!"

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