7-9 Months Overview
What’s Happening at 7-9 Months?
You’ve Got a Crawler!
Believe it or not, baby should begin crawling around this age. It’s an exciting milestone, but sometimes baby needs a little help—here’s how you can encourage crawling, and why it’s so important.
It’s Time to Baby Proof
Baby is on the move, so let the baby-proofing begin! As baby begins to crawl and stand, it’s important to keep them safe.
Learning to Self-Soothe
Is baby now starting to sleep through the night, and fall asleep on their own? This is an early sign of an important social-emotional skill called self-soothing.
Use our checklists to track your baby’s behavior and discuss any concerns with your healthcare professional.
"This information is great for me since I'm a first time mommy. It provides reassurance when I know my baby is doing something she's supposed to be doing for her age. It also allows me to be concerned with the appropriate things. I can easily discuss them with the doctor because I have researched ahead of time thanks to your page."