14 Results

Resources for Baby After the NICU

Did your baby spend time in the NICU after birth? Having a child in the NICU can be an overwhelming experience to say the least. That’s why we developed our Resources to Care for Baby After the NICU Brochure. This brochure will help walk parents through some key development information and tips for their baby … Continued

Milestone Checklist

Check off your child’s milestones as they reach them, to know more about your baby’s development! What’s Inside? Our developmental milestone checklist is sorted by age and four topics: motor, sensory, communication, and feeding Track milestones up to their third birthday This makes it easy to find and track the most important child development information!

Communication Checklist

When should baby say their first words? When can you begin to have a conversation with your toddler? Use this checklist to track the communication development of infants and toddlers. What’s Inside? Expressive communication (speech & language) milestones by age Receptive communication (hearing & understanding) milestones by age

Feeding Checklist

Feeding is so important for baby, but it takes time and motor development before they’re ready for different foods. What’s Inside? This checklist answers common questions like: When is baby is ready for finger food? If baby starts to sit, what are the best foods for them to eat? If baby starts solids, do they … Continued

Ability Checklist

Are you wondering what your child should be able to do at a certain age? Perhaps you’re wondering when baby will explore objects or develop hand eye coordination. Download the ability checklist to track these abilities and find out! It is important to look at your child’s overall tendencies and clusters of behavior. One or … Continued

Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Brochure

Want to try a simple baby massage called Massage+ 30, 10, 5? Based on 40+ years of research, this 15 minute massage provides a variety of benefits for premature and full-term babies, including improved feeding habits and reduced hospital stays. Use Pathways.org’s Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Brochure to not only help baby with their development, … Continued

Speech and Language Brochure

As baby’s most important teacher in their early years, parents can help develop their child’s communication skills by providing quality interactions through talking, playing, and reading. Pathways.org’s Speech and Language Development Brochure encourages healthy language development by giving parents a convenient way to track their child’s communication milestones. What’s Inside? Checklist for speech/language milestones and … Continued

Sensory Brochure

Sensory integration happens when the brain uses information obtained from the seven senses (yes, seven!) to “make sense” of the world, by organizing how information is received and responding to it. It’s a crucial exercise that helps to further a child’s development, and now parents and educators can use Pathways.org’s Sensory Integration/Processing Brochure to better … Continued

Executive Function Brochure

Kids develop executive function skills through playtime, social interactions, and every day activities. Parents can facilitate the development of these skills using Pathways.org’s Executive Function Brochure to engage their kids in activities that offer opportunities to practice and foster lifelong learning skills. Help your children improve their executive function skills by developing their ability to … Continued

Social-Emotional Brochure

Social-emotional skills allow children to express themselves appropriately in different environments and around other people. Modeling a positive and healthy relationship in the early years helps to develop a child’s trust and confidence. Learn how to improve a child’s social-emotional skills by using Pathways.org’s Social-Emotional Brochure to help children succeed in life. What’s Inside? Checklist … Continued

Play Brochure

Make the most of playtime! Pathways.org’s Play Brochure covers a range of play-based topics that can be used to help develop a child’s life skills. Play allows children to engage early on with those around them, to develop new skills that promote creativity and independence. It also helps children learn how to problem solve, socialize, … Continued

Feeding Brochure

What can baby eat? Pathways.org’s Feeding Brochure will guide parents and caregivers through all of baby’s feeding milestones by providing recommendations on what baby should eat or drink. These foods help to support baby’s growth and development by providing the appropriate nutrition for their age and ability. What’s Inside? Checklist of feeding milestones, appropriate foods, … Continued

Tummy Time Brochure

Strengthen baby’s muscles with Tummy Time! Pathways.org’s Tummy Time Brochure is a simple guide parents and healthcare providers can use to understand and safely implement Tummy Time. Help baby build the muscles they will use to hit important milestones, from rolling to sitting and crawling. What’s Inside? Checklist of developmental milestones baby should reach at … Continued

Assure the Best Brochure

“A concise, parent-friendly guide.” -Healthcare professional Need a simple and reliable way to track your child’s development? Get the Assure the Best brochure! Created with the Pathways.org Medical Roundtable and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians, and Pediatric Section of the American Physical … Continued