Helping Babies in the NICU Reach Their Full Potential

Premature baby with mother provides trusted and easy to use resources to help baby’s early development. Below are key resources to support babies and empower parents in the NICU and beyond.

Jump to: = Trusted Information:

  • Our milestones are supported by American Academy of Pediatric findings.
  • Our resources are developed with and approved by expert pediatric physical and occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists.
  • Our website reflects the most current research studies, vetted by our team of medical professionals and Medical Roundtable. Baby Milestones App


baby with app
The mobile app is here to help on your parenting journey. Easily track baby’s milestones, and see games and activities to help meet them, all from trusted experts. Plus, it offers reliable answers to FAQs, making it an indispensable partner in your parenting adventure.

App store button

Looking for a way to help share the app with other NICU parents?

Print, email, and share the below resources to help other parents.  Currently the app is available in English and Spanish, with more languages coming shortly:

Prematurity and NICU Resources

Baby being born premature or needing additional medical support is something almost no parent expects, but there is so much that can be done to support baby’s health and development!

Explore these pages to see our essentials for parents with a baby that is born premature and/or spends time in the NICU.

Explore the Prematurity Page Explore the Baby in the NICU Page

Tracking baby’s development if they are premature may require some adjustments, but baby is still on the right track.

How to Adjust Baby’s Milestone for Prematurity How the App Adjusts Baby’s Milestones

NICU Brochure coverDownload our NICU brochure

From adjusting milestones to helping baby once they’re discharged, this brochure provides tips and support for any baby in the NICU.

Download the NICU Brochure

For Premature Babies: Massage+ 30, 10, 5

Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is a simple, quick, and powerful intervention using massage to help improve the health and development of premature and full-term infants. Based on 40+ years of research this intervention is proven to help with:

  • Reduce hospital stays
  • Improve feeding habits
  • Increase parent confidence levels

Learn more about Massage+ 30, 10, 5  Take the Online Course

massage plus brochure cover

Download the Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Brochure

Based on 40+ years of research, this 15 minute massage provides a variety of benefits for premature and full-term babies, including improved feeding habits and reduced hospital stays. Use this brochure to not only help baby with their development, but to promote healthy bonding between parents and baby.

Download the Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Brochure


New Content for NICU Babies

When baby is identified as premature, users will receive custom content specifically made to support their preemie development. Features include:

  • Automatically adjusted milestones and activities
  • Access to the Prematurity Explore page, which offers education and activities to keep preemies on track
  • Additional resources to support baby’s development

New Blogs

Skin to Skin Contact    States of Alertness  Baby Reflexes   Why Baby Wakes Up So Much

MGOrder Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide

A helpful guide to keep track of your baby’s development! Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide helps you keep track of baby’s progress throughout their first year of life.

The Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide includes:
Motor, sensory, communication, and feeding milestones (with pictures) to help you track your baby’s progress
300+ verified tips, activities, and more to help you encourage your baby’s development
Color-coded by age and separated by topic for easy use

Order Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide

Videos has hundreds of educational and expert-approved videos covering all topics of development. These videos provide visual examples and answers in a matter of minutes!

See all of our videos here: Videos Page YouTube Page

Watch this video about helping baby learn to talk, with tips from a speech-language pathologist:


Milestone ChecklistCheck off your baby’s milestones and abilities as they reach them!

 Our developmental milestone checklist is sorted by age and four topics: motor, sensory, communication, and feeding. All our milestones are supported by American Academy of Pediatrics findings. Track milestones up to baby’s third birthday! Available in 9 languages.

Download the Milestone Checklist

This checklist is sorted by age and four topics: play and social skills, coordination, daily activities, and self-expression. These core topics help in several areas of your child’s development, including the development of executive function skills. Track abilities beyond 6 years old! Available in 6 languages.

Download the Ability Checklist


Age Pages: 0-3 Months

Our Age Pages provide a comprehensive overview of everything that is happening at baby’s age! Check baby’s milestones and abilities, learn weekly games to support their development, and find additional help through videos and articles to help your little one meet their milestones.

What’s Happening at 0-3 Months? 0-3 Months Milestones and Abilities 0-3 Month Games 0-3 Month Videos Additional Help Meeting Milestones at 0-3 Months

Looking for a different age range? See below!

0-3 Months  4-6 Months  7-9 Months  10-12 Months  13-18 Months  19-24 Months  2-3 Years  4-6 Years

Topics of Development

All of our resources come back to 8 core topics of development (Motor, Sensory, Communication, Feeding, Tummy Time, Play, Social-Emotional, and Executive Function). Explore some of the core resources we provides for each topic.

Motor Skills

Fine and gross motor skills are used everyday throughout our lives. They help us move and do everything from lifting heavy items to typing on a keyboard. Motor skills and motor control begin developing after birth, and will progress as children grow.

Visit the Motor Page Watch Motor Videos Read Motor Articles

assure_brochureAssure the Best Brochure

This brochure gives parents and healthcare providers an easy way to understand and track important changes in children up to 15 months old, in order to maximize their development. Available in 23 languages!

Download the Assure the Best Brochure


Sensory integration is the process by which we receive information through our senses, organize this information, and use it to participate in everyday activities.

Visit the Sensory Page Watch Sensory Videos Read Sensory Articles


Sensory Integration/Processing Brochure

Sensory integration happens when the brain uses information obtained from the seven senses (yes, seven!) to “make sense” of the world, by organizing how information is received and responding to it. This brochure helps parents and providers better understand the importance of sensory development and integration. Available in 8 languages!

Download the Sensory Brochure


Communication is more than talking! It is any form of message sent from one party to another, through sounds, words, or physical hints, like body language.

Visit the Communication Page Watch Communication Videos Read Communication Articles

Speech and language brochure coverSpeech and Language Brochure

This brochure encourages healthy language development by giving parents a convenient way to track their child’s communication milestones, from 3 to 36 months. Available in 9 languages!

Download the Speech and Language Brochure

communication_checklistCommunication Checklist

When should baby say their first words? When can you begin to have a conversation with your toddler? Use this checklist to track the communication development of infants and toddlers. Available in 9 languages!

Download the Communication Checklist


Every day, baby is growing so quickly! Their growth is powered by good nutrition and strong feeding abilities.

Visit the Feeding Page Watch Feeding Videos Read Feeding Articles

feeding_brochure_coverFeeding Brochure

This brochure will guide parents and caregivers through all of baby’s feeding milestones by providing recommendations on what baby should eat or drink. These foods help to support baby’s growth and development by providing the appropriate nutrition for their age and ability. Available in 7 languages!

Download the Feeding Brochure

feeding_checklist_english_imageFeeding Checklist

This checklist answers common questions like: When is baby ready for finger food? If baby starts to sit, what are the best foods for them to eat? If baby starts solids, do they still need to nurse? Available in 6 languages!

Download the Feeding Checklist

Tummy Time

Tummy Time is one of baby’s first exercises—and the most important! Tummy Time is the period during the day your baby spends awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development.

Visit the Tummy Time Page Watch Tummy Time Videos Read Tummy Time Articles


tummy_time_brochure_coverTummy Time Brochure

This brochure is a simple guide parents and healthcare providers can use to understand and safely implement Tummy Time. Help baby build the muscles they will use to hit important milestones, from rolling to sitting and crawling. Available in 9 languages!

Download the Tummy Time Brochure


It’s more than just fun and games! Play matters because it helps children learn about themselves, explore different interests and passions, interact, share, and socialize, and develop important life skills.

Visit the Play Page Watch Play Videos Read Play Articles

play brochure coverPlay Brochure

This brochure covers a range of play-based topics that can be used to help develop a child’s life skills. Play allows children to engage early on with those around them, to develop new skills that promote creativity and independence. It also helps children learn how to problem solve, socialize, and so much more. Available in 7 languages!

Download the Play Brochure

Social Emotional

Social-emotional skills are essential for connecting with others! They help us manage our emotions, build healthy relationships, and feel empathy.

Visit the Social-Emotional Page Watch Social-Emotional Videos Read Social-Emotional Articles

Socio-Emotio_CoverSocial-Emotional Development Brochure

Social-emotional skills allow children to express themselves appropriately in different environments and around other people. Learn how to improve a child’s social-emotional skills by using this brochure to help children succeed in life. Available in 7 languages!

Download the Social-Emotional Development Brochure

Executive Function

Executive function skills combine motor, sensory, communication, and cognitive skills we’ve developed. Beginning at a very young age, we apply this combination of skills to daily activities and situations, such as playing, learning, and socializing.

Visit the Executive Function Page Watch Executive Function Videos Read Executive Function Articles

executive_function_brochureExecutive Function Brochure

Kids develop executive function skills through playtime, social interactions, and every day activities. Help children improve their executive function skills by developing their ability to achieve goals, such as making cookies or finishing homework. Available in 10 languages!

Download the Executive Function Brochure

Other resources

It’s never too early (or too late) to get baby on the right pathway!

Have questions or looking for other resources? Reach out any time to


Our Mission

Provide free tools to maximize all children’s motor, sensory, and communication development.

Our Vision

Empower parents to understand and encourage their baby’s development to keep them on track or catch potential delays early.

Our Goal

Ensure every child is screened for motor, sensory, and communication development by 4 months of age, taking advantage of baby’s neuroplasticity.

Learn More About