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What to Expect From Baby’s Hearing Tests
Before baby comes home from the hospital, they will receive a hearing test (also called a hearing screening). The infant hearing screening helps to see if baby is having any...
Healthy Eating Starts Young! Try Building These Habits With Children
We all know healthy eating is important, but let’s be honest—getting children to eat nutritious foods can sometimes be challenging! Sometimes parents feel frustrated or guilty if their child pushes...
Types of Baby Crawls
Crawling is an important and exciting motor milestone! It’s when baby starts to move independently and explore their environment for the first time. Crawling usually only lasts a few months,...
The Best Toys for Outdoor Play
Sunshine, is that you? Believe it or not, it’s almost time for spring! The warming weather means it’s a great time for outdoor play with your little one! Play becomes...
Is Baby Not Meeting Their Milestones? What To Do Next
Have you noticed baby is having trouble reaching a certain milestone? Or does it feel like something isn’t quite right with your child’s development? All parents have concerns at some...
What To Do If Baby Has a Fear of Strangers
Hello, baby! From aunts and uncles to friends and neighbors, baby is constantly meeting new people. Meeting people is a great way to work on baby’s social skills. While meeting...
How to Help Babies and Toddlers When They Fall
When do babies typically fall? It is common for babies to fall when they are learning to roll, crawl, walk, or stand. This is a normal and unavoidable part of...
All The Ways Crawling Helps Baby’s Development
There is no doubt crawling is great for baby’s gross motor skills! It is a motor milestone, and an important and exciting step in baby’s independence. Crawling helps baby develop...
Baby’s Babbles: What is Babbling and When Will It Start?
By the time baby is 4-6 months, it might seem like they have a lot to say—but you can’t understand any of it! The sound they make before they say...
Encourage Your Baby to Talk By Narrating Your Day
Baby's communication milestones are looked forward to by parents. There’s nothing more fun than when baby starts to talk! You get to see their face light up as they say...
Tips to Help Parents Adjust to Baby’s Changes
Baby is constantly developing! Every few months (or even every few weeks!) comes with new development and baby's changes. For many parents, these developments are exciting—and exhausting. First, you’re trying...
Do Twins Reach Developmental Milestones At The Same Time?
Double the babies, double the fun! When you have twins, it’s natural to compare how they do things. You compare what they like to eat, how they play, and how...
It’s Play Time! The Best Toys For Baby’s First Year
Play looks different at every age, especially in baby’s first year. Even simple actions, like talking to baby, count as play activities in the early months of their life! Play...
Which Toys Are Best For Toddlers?
As baby gets older, their skills are developing! By the time they turn 1 they’re crawling, possibly walking, and even starting to say words. These skills all develop with the...
Baby Safety Tips – Is Baby Ready for Utensils and High Chairs?
As baby begins to eat more solids, you may have some questions about high chairs and utensils. So when is baby ready for these things? Find out more on baby...
Bath Tub Safety for Kids
Splish-splash, it’s bath time! The bath can be a great place to play, work on sensory and motor skills, and even learn about the importance of staying clean! It can...
Bath Time Routines to Help Parents and Baby
Bath time is essential for baby! It keeps them healthy, clean, and can even help with teaching them independence as they get older. But let’s be honest—bathing can also be...
How Can I Help My Toddler Learn New Words?
It is so exciting when baby starts to talk! Your toddler is developmentally ready to talk around their first birthday, and will start adding new words to their vocabulary in...
Take a Stand! When Do Babies Stand on Their Own
Wondering when babies stand on their own? Everyone talks about baby’s first steps—but what about baby’s first stand? It may not be a motor skill with quite as much celebration,...
What To Do If Baby Keeps Rolling Over During Tummy Time
Tummy Time is an essential move for baby’s development! But that doesn’t mean baby always loves doing it. In fact, many babies have trouble with the position. As baby’s core...